Each year during the weeks preceding my birthday, I have an existential crisis. Not in an “oh-shit-I’m-getting-older-and-thus-much closer-to-death” way as youth is never a sanctuary for death; the last three years have been proof of that. Instead, these episodes are more of an “oh-shit-the-passage-of-time-is-an-absurd-thing-and-as-it-continues-all-that-is-happening-now-I-will-eventually-come-to-look-back-on-with-nostalgia” thing. Despite these I feel more settled in my skin now…
In the Before Time, one of the first texts assigned to me during undergrad was Milton’s Paradise Lost, a retelling of the Fall of man. I’d already heard the original version of this story a thousand times as a child raised in a Southern Baptist church and consequently, had a very poor opinion of “the…
A Recreation of Frame 352 of the Patterson-Gimlin Film, Trokon V, 2023 Since childhood I have always been fascinated by the outlandish. Particularly, the notion of the mundane coexisting with the not-mundane- the possibility that somewhere below the surface, or hidden deep in a cave, “magic” and monsters were waiting to be found. I read…